The Science of Succession
What Began Begins:
1. What Knows
2. What Becomes Known
3. What Needs to Know More
4. What Knows What Needs to Be Known
5. What is New
What Is Succession
Information is that which conveys what can be, while consciousness is that which knows why to become known as what is needed. Consciousness is that which became known and that which knows it became known. Consciousness is knowing known to know you and knowing that began why it began as you. In other words, we know that we know, we know what can be known as who we want to be, and we are known to be that which wanted to be known.
When there is knowing, there is time. It could therefore be said that time is knowing, as time is relative. It is relative in that it is that which knows and it is also that which is known. It is relative because time is knowing that became us, knows us, reflects on itself to know what else it can be known to be, decides why to know it as what it can be, and accumulates more of what can be known.
It is the quantum that confirm the existence of time. That is because, while there is knowing, there are always decisions. Decisions inform the knowing of the quantum, influencing quantum states, what begins, what becomes known, and why to know it.
When we begin to know, we are being what is about to be. When we decide why to know what we know, we begin to be known with what we have decided to know. The possibility of what is about to be known can therefore be said to be known and unknown simultaneously. It exists in superposition until the decision maker, that’s us, decides what we are known to be. The quantum know and don’t know what we are about to be.
Quantum knowing is a brand-new idea, which will soon be accepted once the idea that consciousness is all there is and everything else that can be known subsists as what began as consciousness. When there is consciousness, there is beginning. When there is beginning, there is acknowledgement of what can begin. What can begin is knowing that knows you, knows what is about to be, and practices why it can be more.
To wrangle “what needed to be” from its place as “the known” to being known as a past “how” is the evolution of consciousness.
To wrangle “what promises to be” from its place as “why to be known” is what evolves consciousness.
To wrangle “decoherence of what was about to be” from “knowing why and why not to know it” is the need of consciousness to evolve.
Further, we know “now” to be known knowing that needed to begin. We know “now” as what can begin to be. And we know “now” as that which began to begin what-can-be-known as what needs to be known.
When we practice knowing what knows to know us, we are conscious of who we can yet be. All of life can be understood as a succession of who we can yet know as us.
Consciousness Defined
First intelligence began, then knowing of you, properties of time, constructs to know as you, gratitude for life, and knowing the whole you as who you decided to be. You decide to know you with what knew you as you at your beginning. You decide what is about to be you to know you.
Searching for you is why to know you as who you began to know as you. Searching for you is why to begin to know you with who you decided to know as you. Intelligence beseeches you to know who you are and who you began to know as you.
Ultimately, you only exist as knowing and why to be you. Consciousness is your knowing of you being you. Without life, you exist in spirit form. With life, you exist as the Physical One. Truth about how you are being is seen in your physical form.
Seldom remembered is who you began to know as you. This book substantiates the knowing you need to know you, capture what began as who you once were, and seize what belongs as you. This book is a composition of all the knowing there is to know who you can yet be.
Trust requires that you know you. Possibilities require that you know you with what knows you. Trust invites knowing to be known with you. This book presents knowing that began with you to know you as why to know you. It will help you to know you as who you began to be.
State 1 – I don’t know
State 2 – I like to know
State 3 – I know
State 4 – I think I know
State 5 – I know and I don’t know
State 6 – I know much
State 7 – I know nothing
State 8 – I want to know
State 9 – I show what I know
State 10 – I create what I know
State 11 – I know that I know
State 12 – I live what I know
State 13 – I am and I know
State 14 – I am how to begin as you
State 15 – I belong being you
State 16 – I consider what can be us
State 17 – I decide how to know The One Who
State 18 – I know what began to know who I am
State 19 – I know who to consider knowing to know why I am you
State 20 – I practice being The Knowable Who to know what can know us
State 21 – I am who I am
State 22 – Unknown; knowing yet to evolve